Those seeking information about their Brunswick ancestors...
...may draw upon several valuable resources, including the Brunswick Historical Society, the Brunswick Town Historian, and the Brunswick Town Clerk. The best place to begin your search is at the Society, which operates a visitor's center and maintains a small local history and genealogical reference library for the use of researchers. Sources to be found here include:
Surname files -
Publications regarding Brunswick and Rensselaer County history
Published family genealogies
Federal and state census on microfilm
Brunswick church records and cemetery information
An extensive photograph collection
Newspaper files for the period beginning 1900's
Other ephemera regarding the history and families of Brunswick
None of the Society's collections are available on a loan basis, but visitors may use all reference materials free of charge. If you are unable to visit Brunswick, our volunteer researchers will gladly conduct a limited search for a suggested donation of $20.00. This may be expedited by calling the Society at (518) 279-4024 or sending a written request using our form.
While the State of New York frowns upon municipal historians conducting genealogical research for private individuals, the Brunswick Town Historian may provide information that will help the family researcher identify potential sources of information, and may assist in interpreting records. The Town Historian may also be able to put researchers in contact with others who have researched a particular family. The current Town Historian of Brunswick is Ms. Sharon Zankel; her mailing address is: Brunswick Town Offices, 336 Town Office Road, Troy, NY 12180
Research at the Brunswick Historical Society
Chairperson: Tracy Broderick:
If it is not possible for you to visit the Garfield School, members of the Brunswick Historical Society will be glad to perform genealogical research for you.
For a suggested donation of $20.00 , we will search our archives, genealogical files, photograph and other collections to provide you with information about your Brunswick ancestors. To expedite your search, please fill out our form and send it to the Garfield School (one request per form, please).
Brunswick Town Offices
The Brunswick Town Clerk is the custodian of official records such as births, deaths, marriage certificates, burial permits and various other town records. Please bear in mind that the clerk will only have such records if the event occurred in Brunswick. If, for example, a Brunswick resident died at a Troy hospital, the death certificate would not be on file in Brunswick. Also be aware that New York State did not enact legislation requiring municipalities to keep vital records such as birth, death, and marriage records until 1880; therefore the town has only a handful of records for years prior to 1881.Those seeking information from the Office of the Town Clerk may be asked to file a written request and may be charged a fee. The current Brunswick Town Clerk is Mr. William Lewis; mailing address is:
Brunswick Town Offices
336 Town Office Road
Troy, NY 12180
Office hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Please call (518) 279. 3461 ext. 103/104 prior to visiting the office with a request
Whether you seek information from the Brunswick Historical Society, Town Historian, or Town Clerk, following the guidelines below are highly recommended:
Written requests are preferred over phone requests. If making a request in person, prepare a written description of the information you are requesting beforehand and bring it with you.
Please be specific in your request. Provide as much information as possible that will help identify your ancestor. Examples if helpful information are: Variations in the way the surname might have been spelled; the approximate date of the individual's birth, death, or marriage; names of the individual's parents, siblings, or children.
Indicate the source of any information you are submitting with your request, and mention sources you have already investigated so they are not needlessly checked again. This will expeditea response to your request more quickly.
Always include your address, telephone number, or e-mail address with your request in the event that it is necessary to contact you. Enclose a preaddressed, postage paid envelope for the return of information.
Please be patient! The Historical Society is operated by a staff of volunteers and both the Town Historian and Clerk have ongoing responsibilities. While your request will be handled in the most timely and efficient manner possible, it is reasonable to expect that as much as 4 weeks may be required to receive a response. All of these parties handle requests on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Please not that the above parties do not have access to church, will probate, or land and deed records. For information about accessing these sources, please contact the following:
Church Records: Check the telephone directory for the address and telephone number of the church and contact them directly.
Land Records and Deeds: Contact the Office of the Rensselaer County Clerk, Courthouse Annex, Third Street, Troy, NY 12180, Tel. (518) 270. 4080
Wills and Probate Records: Contact the Rensselaer County Surrogates Court Office, Rensselaer County Courthouse, Troy, NY 12180, Tel. (518) 270. 3724