Annual Membership Meeting & Luncheon
11:30 AM11:30

Annual Membership Meeting & Luncheon


  • Doors open at 11:30am

  • Lunch at 12:00pm ($10 per person)

  • Membership meeting at 12:30pm (Free)

  • Presentation at 1:00pm (Free)


Kathy Sheehan, Executive Director of the Hart Cluett Museum, is our featured speaker who will be presenting on mesmerists, spiritualist, phrenology , clairvoyant physicians etc. and other gilded age era alternative medicines.

Spiritualism was a religious movement claiming that spirits of the dead, which reside in the spirit world, have the ability and the inclination to communicate with the living. The Spiritualist Movement began in the 19th century and continued through the early 20th century. Along with the spiritualist movement there was a growing religious movement in New York State that spread to New England that included the use of spiritualists and mesmerists in the treatment of physical and mental disorders.

Registration Required

Please click a event registration option below to register for this event:



Not a member? Join today! We look forward to welcoming all new and current members at our annual meeting.

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7:00 PM19:00

Ice Harvesting in the Region

Join us on Monday, November 4 at 7pm at the Brunswick Historical Society for a presentation on Ice Harvesting in the region.

Our guest speaker, Tom Ragosta, Watervliet Historian, curator, and President of the Watervliet Museum and Historical Society will review the history of ice harvesting and provide a detailed description of the ice harvesting process, storage, and delivery.  Tools of the trade will be available to see!

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Forest Park Cemetery Annual Walking Tour 2024
1:00 PM13:00

Forest Park Cemetery Annual Walking Tour 2024

Presented by the Brunswick Historical Society and the Town Historian.

This even is FREE but we ask that you please register to attend this event. While there is no charge for this event, a donation in any amount to the Brunswick Historical Society Forest Park restoration will be appreciated.

Forest Park Cemetery is located on Pinewoods Avenue east of Troy, at the intersection of Pinewoods Avenue and Banbury Road.

Parking is inside the Cemetery gates. Gates open at 12:45.

No parking along Pinewoods Avenue or on any nearby street.

In the event of bad weather, please check the Brunswick Historical Society’s Facebook page at noon to learn if the event will be rescheduled.

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9:00 AM09:00


  • Brunswick Historical Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us…

Join us on Saturday, September, 21, 2024 between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM.


We have 23 vendors plus the Jammers as our musical guest and a fascinating Civil War display by Mike Marchand.

The vendors will be selling:

Vintage housewares, vinyl toys, jewelry, antiques, puzzles, Hess trucks, crafts-jewelry, candles, paintings, clothing, books, cds, vinyl records, plants, books, homemade pickles/mustards, signs, handmade bowls, potholders, ornaments, honey, lotion and chapstick, handmade clay jewelry, handmade crafts- t shirts, cups, bracelets, knitted and crocheted items, fleece hats, Halloween items, cork earrings, rubber band bracelets, friendship bracelets, tank tops/tie dye shirts, crafts, new children’s books, greeting card boxes, holiday décor, and household items and SO much more!

Donate Today

If you are unable to join us, consider making a donation to the Historical Society today! Every contribution goes toward enhancing our community programming and services. Learn more about us.

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The Civil War and Rensselaer County
7:00 PM19:00

The Civil War and Rensselaer County

Please join us as we welcome Michael Marchand, a member of the 125th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment Association. “Private” Marchand, in historic military uniform, will answer questions about the life of a Civil War soldier and will be bringing Troy local history of its citizen soldiers along with his display cases of extensive War memorabilia.

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Historic Events in Rensselaer County with Kathy Sheehan
7:00 PM19:00

Historic Events in Rensselaer County with Kathy Sheehan

Happy Anniversary!  400 years of documenting major events and institutions in Rensselaer County.  Join Kathy Sheehan, Rensselaer County and Troy City Historian and Executive Director of the Hart Cluett Museum, for this illustrated talk about the major anniversaries coming up in the next 5 years that had a direct impact on the lives of Rensselaer County residents. From the American Revolution, and Lafayette’s grand tour, to the founding of our county and town historical societies, we will explore how Rensselaer County celebrated those events and how we will be commemorating these important milestones as these anniversaries approach!

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11:30 AM11:30

Annual Membership Meeting & Luncheon

Please register for this event by clicking above.

Not a member? Join today! We look forward to welcoming all new and current members at our annual meeting.


  • Doors open at 11:30am

  • Lunch at 12:00pm ($10 per person)

  • Membership meeting at 12:30pm (Free)

  • Presentation at 1:00pm (Free)


Phyllis Chapman is our featured speaker who will be presenting on “Revolutionary Women”. Phyllis will be discussing a view of the War that created our nation from a woman's perspective - famous and unknown heroines of the time. Our fight for independence could not have succeeded without the participation of women. They supported the Continental Army, effectively boycotting British goods, maintained homes and farms, and even served on the battlefield. Their service is fascinating not only in its variety, but in its genuine importance in our gaining independence.

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Forest Park Cemetery Annual Walking Tour 2023
1:00 PM13:00

Forest Park Cemetery Annual Walking Tour 2023


NEW DATE: Saturday October 28, 2023 at 1:00pm.

Presented by the Brunswick Historical Society and the Town Historian.

This even is FREE but we ask that you please register to attend this event. While there is no charge for this event, a donation in any amount to the Brunswick Historical Society Forest Park restoration will be appreciated.

Forest Park Cemetery is located on Pinewoods Avenue east of Troy, at the intersection of Pinewoods Avenue and Banbury Road.

Parking is inside the Cemetery gates. Gates open at 12:45.

No parking along Pinewoods Avenue or on any nearby street.

In the event of bad weather, please check the Brunswick Historical Society’s Facebook page at noon to learn if the event will be rescheduled.

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The Transcontinental Rail Road
7:00 PM19:00

The Transcontinental Rail Road

Michael P. Barrett, Emeritus Executive Director of the Hudson Mohawk Industrial Gateway, will discuss the The Transcontinental Rail Road, the 1869 completion of what was then the largest infrastructure project in American history turned the United States into a true continental power and opened the development of our “Wild West.”  Many of the personalities who were prime movers in the project had ties to the Capital District, and our local industrial base provided a number of the necessary parts that made the project possible.

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Annual Member Picnic
12:00 PM12:00

Annual Member Picnic

Sunday, July 16, 2023
12:00pm to 4:00pm
Food served from 1:00pm to 3:00pm

at the Brunswick Elks
655 Brunswick Road, Troy, NY

This is a FREE event for all BHS members and their families.

Connect with other members and friends at this year's annual picnic.

Bring your family and anyone you know who might be interested in joining the Society. Get to know the membership, the Board, and learn about some of the work the Society does to preserve the rich history of Brunswick.

There is no charge for the picnic, but —
Reservations are Required.
Click the button below to complete your reservation!

You may also call 518-210-4688 or email to reserve.

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History and Purpose of Bottle Making and How They Were Used
7:00 PM19:00

History and Purpose of Bottle Making and How They Were Used

Phil Bernnard, Vice President of the National Bottle Museum, from the National Bottle Museum in Ballston Spa will join us to discuss old bottles, the history and purpose of bottle making, and how they were used.

Bring a bottle of your own and learn more about it from Mr. Bernnard.

Light refreshments will be served.

No reservation necessary. No cost to attend.

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11:30 AM11:30


Please arrive at 11:30. A hot and cold buffet will be served at 12 Noon. Election of Officers, Installation, and Program to follow.

Please use the above link to register for this event. There is a $10 fee for lunch.


Kathryn Sheehan, Rensselaer County & Troy City Historian will present an illustrated lecture on how Troy’s 19th century architecture became an integral backdrop to the Julian Fellows HBO series “The Gilded Age”. 

Kathryn worked with the location scouts and production designer on locations throughout the city as well as providing information on how Troy appeared during the Gilded Age, who the major players were in the city at the time that represented “old” money and “new” money.  Kathryn will also share some of the behind the scenes stories that happened during the filming for season one.

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1:00 PM13:00

Forest Park Cemetery Annual Walking Tour

Saturday October 22, 2022 at 1:00pm. Presented by the Brunswick Historical Society and the Town Historian.

Please register to attend this event.

Forest Park Cemetery is located on Pinewoods Avenue east of Troy, at the intersection of Pinewoods Avenue and Banbury Road.

Parking is inside the Cemetery gates. Gates open at 12:45.

No parking along Pinewoods Avenue or on any nearby street.

There is no charge for this event, however a donation in any amount to the Brunswick Historical Society Forest Park restoration will be appreciated.

In the event of bad weather, please check the Brunswick Historical Society’s Facebook page at noon to learn if the event will be rescheduled.

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Tag & Bake Sale 2022
9:00 AM09:00

Tag & Bake Sale 2022

  • Brunswick Historical Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Register today for a free vendor table

Attend the Tag & Bake Sale

Join us on Saturday, September, 10, 2022. Explore the many vendors!

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1:00 PM13:00

First Annual Membership Picnic

The Brunswick Historical Society will be hosting its First Annual Membership Picnic on Sunday, July 17, 2022, from 1 PM to 5 PM at the Brunswick Elks, 665 Brunswick Road, Troy NY.

All members are welcome. This is a free membership event that will give everyone the opportunity to see and connect with one another over the summer.

If members know anyone who might be interested in joining the society, they may bring them as a guest. Guests will have the opportunity to get to know the membership, the Board, and to learn about all the great things we do to preserve the rich history of the town.

Registration Required. Please RSVP by July 11.

Click here to register.

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12:00 PM12:00

Annual Meeing and Program

200 Years of Entertainment in Rensselaer County. Kathy Sheehan, Rensselaer County & Troy City Historian will present an illustrated lecture on the history of entertainment in the county, from the first national performance of Uncle Tom’s Cabin held at the Troy Museum in 1852 to the temperance troupes that performed in the towns along the Route 22 corridor , Kathy will explore the rich and varied history of entertainment. Names such as the big band era Eberle Brothers from Hoosick Falls, Troy’s Maureen Stapleton, concert harpist Van Veachton Rogers, from Berlin, and other performers will be highlighted. We will also explore the many theaters, halls, vaudeville houses, and drive in movies that supported entertainment in the county.

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Walk Through Forest park
1:00 PM13:00

Walk Through Forest park

For half a century the Forest Park Cemetery has captured the fascination of people from near and far!

Put on your walking shoes, come out and learn about the history and legends of Forest Park !

Donations would be appreciated. They would towards the continuous restoration project of the stones.

Parking will be inside the gates, No parking along Pinewoods Ave or neighboring streets.


Please call the Society and leave a message at 518-279-4024

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7:00 PM19:00

Troy's Oakwood Cemetery

Michael Barrett who is the Executive Director of the Hudson Mohawk Industrial Gateway, and the Burden Iron Works Museum in Troy will present a program on Oakwood Cemetery which has been the resting place for many of Troy’s most famous (and infamous) residents.  While it did not officially open until 1850, a number of cemetery consolidations and reburials push the historical record of deaths back to the very earliest years of the birth of the city.  This illustrated program features the stories of many of the founding families, the prominent educators, industrialists and business people, military heroes and other colorful characters who helped make Troy the great city that she is.

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12:00 PM12:00

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Brunswick Historical Society will be held on Saturday March 21, 2020 at the Brunswick Community Center (off Rte. 7) in Center Brunswick. A buffet luncheon, the cost will be $10 per person will be served at 12:00 noon followed by our meeting and installation of officers.

Our program speaker this year is Phyllis Chapman, who is a historic interpreter from “Vintage Visitors Presentations” Who will be portraying “Shady Ladies of 19th Century America”. Scandal and gossip can be so delicious, and these ladies tasted their fair share of both. Phyllis Chapman, as Victoria Woodhull, who was infamous herself, appears in costume to delight not only with her own escapades, but also those of unconventional ladies such as Calamity Jane, Belle Starr, Lizzie Borden, Lydian Pinkham Carry A. Nation and others. If you like gun-swinging, bone-crackling, axe-whacking, free-loving women, this is a must see.

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